Abejas solitarias en nuestra plantación

Con la primavera en la vuelta de la esquina las primeras flores van floreciendo poco a poco y como de costumbre aparecen las primera abejas.

Cuando hablamos de abejas, la mayoría de la personas solo conocen a las abejas productoras de miel, es decir, a las abejas sociales que viven en colmenas.

Pero existen más polinizadores que son completamente desconocidos para la mayoría de las personas aunque en ocasiones los hayamos visto sin darnos cuenta.

A este grupo de grupo de polinizadores pertenecen las abejas solitarias. Se diferencia principalmente por hacer sus nidos en la tierra, en pequeños huecos de los árboles, plantas e incluso en algunos edificios. Si se les prepara troncos agujereados suelen hacer sus nidos en ellos. Depositando en cada hueco un huevo con polen para alimentar a la futura larva y al final del todo sellan el hueco.

Sus colores son llamativos ya que sus tonos son marrones y anaraanjados- rojizos. A diferencia de las abejas sociales no pican.Las especies más abundantes en nuestra zona son la Osmia Bicornis y la Osmia Cornuta.

Suelen aparecer unos días anteriores a la entrada de la primavera cuando las abejas sociales todavía siguen dormidas por las bajas temperaturas. Su ciclo vital suele ser más corto al de las abejas sociales.

Son muy importantes estos tipos de insectos por su función polinizadora. Gracias a ellos se facilita la reproducción de las plantas permitiendo mantener la producción de los cultivos o incluso aumentar la producción.

Más información sobre polinizadores en nuestra plantación.

Pentanux almond trees dressed in hoar frost

A few days ago the almond trees of Pentanux appeared dressed in hoar frostthat meteorological phenomenon that fascinates us so much in this season of the year and that occurs in areas where there is fog, with temperatures dropping below 0ºC and the dew point below freezing point.

This is when tiny drops freeze on any surface, whimsically creating crystals or needles of soft ice, similar to snow.

The landscape becomes a true spectacle for our eyes, worthy of any fairy tale we dreamed of in our childhood.

Even though the cold is biting, life beats in the almond trees, crouched in the trunk and the bark of their branches, timidly manifesting itself in incipient buds, which wait for a change in temperature, to shake off their frosty dress and dress themselves in flowers full of white petals which, with their fragrance and exultant beauty, announce the departure of winter and the arrival of spring.

Maria Angeles García Hernández

Do you know the origin and history of the almond?

Almond (Prunus dulcis)

Its name, although at first it seems to be Arabic, came to us through the Latin term "amygdala" as a loan from some oriental language.

In Hebrew, the almond tree means "awakening" or "being awake". It is possible that this name is due to the fact that in temperate climate zones it is the fruit tree that first flowers in spring, awakening Nature with its flowering to the new season.

Both the almond blossom and its fruit are present in Egyptian and Christian culture as well as in Jewish and Islamic religion.

Prunus dulcis by Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen

Almonds were a common ingredient in Egyptian cuisine meaning prosperity, wealth and health and even took on a transcendent meaning when they were found in Tuntankhamun's tomb as companions on his journey to the afterlife.

In the Christian religion, during the Middle Ages, both the image of Jesus and Mary appear inside an almond or mandorla representing the union between the physical and the spiritual by pointing one end of the almond to heaven and the other to earth, leading to the belief that the almond represents Christ and eternal life.

In the Jewish religion the 7-branched candlestick is inspired by the almond tree, as when lit it reminds one of an almond blossom becoming a symbol of connection with God.

The Islamic religion tells us through the Koran that flowers and plants are a gift from God to mankind, so the almond blossom, which is the first to bloom announcing spring, is a source of encouragement for people who are waiting for new opportunities in the coming months.

The cultivation of the almond tree began in Persia and Syria and it was the Greeks who spread the almond tree throughout the Mediterranean. It was not until the end of the 18th century that almond cultivation made the leap to the New World through the Franciscan missionaries who planted almond trees in the San Diego region, later extending its cultivation to other regions of California.

Today, the almond is the most widely consumed nut in the world and is part of both religious and culinary traditions around the world.

Maria Angeles García Hernández

Pentanux mini - the new format for almond lovers

We present Pentanux mini, a new 40g format, ideal for its size to take as a snack, as a business gift and for large events and celebrations (baptisms, weddings, anniversaries, graduations ...).

Pentanux mini, a comfortable and practical way to enjoy what nature has to offer.

We offer you the possibility to personalize the label.